Takahiro Katagiri, Satoshi Ohshima, Masaharu Matsumoto: Directive-based Auto-tuning for the Finite Difference Method on the Xeon Phi, The Tenth International Work-shop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT2015) (In Conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS2015 ), Proceedings of IPDPSW2015, pp.1221-1230, May 29 (2015).
Takahiro Katagiri, Satoshi Ohshima, Masaharu Matsumoto: Towards Automatic Code Selection with ppOpen-AT: A Case of FDM – Variants of Numerical Computations and Its Impact on a Multi-core Processor -, International Workshop on Software for Peta-Scale Numerical Simulation (SPNS2015), Earhquake Research Institute (ERI), The University of Tokyo, December 3-4 (2015). / CRESTプロジェクトの国際ワークショップ、口頭発表
Satoshi Ohshima, Takahiro Katagiri, Masaharu Matsumoto: Utilization and Expansion of ppOpen-AT for OpenACC program, WACCPD 2015 (Second Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives), THE HILTON (opp. to the convention center) , ROOM 406, 11月16日(月)(2015). / ショートプレゼンとポスター、SC15のワークショップ
Satoshi Ohshima, Masaharu Matsumoto, Takahiro Katagiri, Toshihiro Hanawa, Kengo Nakajima: Implementation and Performance of ICCG solver on GPU using OpenACC, IWACOM-III (The 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics), KFC Hall & Rooms, 10月12(月)-14日(水)(2015). / 1ページアブストラクトと口頭発表
Satoshi Ohshima, Masaharu Matsumoto, Takahiro Katagiri, Toshihiro Hanawa, Kengo Nakajima: Optimization of Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers Using OpenMP/OpenACC on GPU and MIC, 2015 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, The Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March 14-18 (2015). / SIAM CSE15のオーガナイズドセッションにおける口頭発表
Satoshi Ohshima: Performance evaluation of Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solver Using OpenMP and OpenACC, 2015 Conference on Advanced Topics and Auto Tuning in High-Performance Scientific Computing, Room 101, Mathematics Research Center, National Taiwan University, February 27-28 (2015). / 招待講演ベースの国際会議における口頭発表
Satoshi Ohshima, Takahiro Katagiri, Masaharu Matsumoto ppOpen-AT for OpenACC: Can AT features make OpenACC programs fast?, International Workshop on Software for Peta-Scale Numerical Simulation (SPNS2015), Earhquake Research Institute (ERI), The University of Tokyo, December 3-4 (2015). / CRESTプロジェクトの国際ワークショップ、ポスター発表
Satoshi Ohshima, Masaharu MATSUMOTO, Takahiro KATAGIRI, Toshihiro HANAWA, Kengo NAKAJIMA: Comparing the Implementation and Performance of ICCG solver using OpenMP and OpenACC, HPC in Asia session at ISC’15, The Forum Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt, July 15 (2015). / ISCのHPC in Asiaでのポスターセッション