Satoshi Ohshima, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Akihiro Ida, Rio Yokota: Optimization of Hierarchical matrix computation on GPU, In proceedings of Supercomputing Frontiers. SCFA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10776. Springer, Cham, pp.274–292, Print ISBN=978-3-319-69952-3, Online ISBN=978-3-319-69953-0, DOI=, 2018 / Proceedings of conference
Yoshimichi Andoh, Soichiro Suzuki, Satoshi Ohshima, Tatsuya Sakashita, Masao Ogino, Takahiro Katagiri, Noriyuki Yoshii, Susumu Okazaki: A thread-level parallelization of pairwise additive potential and force calculations suitable for current many-core architectures, The Journal of Supercomputing, ISSN=1573-0484, DOI=10.1007/s11227-018-2272-2, Feb. 12 published
Conference with review
Ichitaro Yamazaki, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Akihiro Ida, Satoshi Ohshima, Stanimire Tomov, Rio Yokota, Jack Dongarra: Analyzing Performance of BiCGStab with Hierarchical Matrix on GPU cluster. In: 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
Satoshi Ohshima, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Akihiro Ida, Rio Yokota: Optimization of Hierarchical matrix computation on GPU, SC-Asia 2018, Resorts World Convention Centre Sentosa, Singapore, May 26-29, 2018
Tech Report/Oral Presentation (Conference and Workshop without review)
Satoshi Ohshima, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Akihiro Ida, Rio Yokota: Optimization of hierarchical matrix computation on GPU – accelerating many small matrix calculation, Sapporo Summer HPC Seminar 2018, August 8, at Hokkaido Univ. / presentation in seminer
Fumiya Ishiguro,Takahiro Katagiri,Satoshi Ohshima,Tooru Nagai,Masao Ogino: GPGPUによる高精度行列-行列積アルゴリズムのためのBatched BLASを用いた実装方式の提案, IPSJ TechReport (HPC-165), July 23, pp.1–8 / In Japanese, Tech Report and Oral Presentation
Takeshi Nanri, Satoshi Ohshima, Kenji Ono: Mellanox社のスイッチ装置への集団通信オフロード機能による集団通信隠蔽効果の調査, IPSJ Tech Report (HPC-165), July 23 published, pp.1–10 / In Japanese, Tech Report and Oral Presentation
Satoshi Ohshima, Akihiro Fujii, Teruo Tanaka, Takeshi Fukaya, Reiji Suda: Chebyshev基底通信削減CG法のマルチコア・メニーコア計算環境における性能評価, IPSJ Tech Report (HPC-165), July 23 published, pp.1–9 / In Japanese, Tech Report and Oral Presentation
Satoshi Ohshima, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Akihiro Ida, Rio Yokota: 階層型行列計算におけるソフトウェア自動チューニング, 第23回計算工学講演会, June 6-8, p.D-05-03 / In Japanese, Organized session, short (4P) report and Oral Presentation
Fumiya Ishiguro,Takahiro Katagiri,Satoshi Ohshima,Tooru Nagai,Masao Ogino: 高精度行列-行列積アルゴリズムにおけるbatched BLASの適用, 第80回情報処理学会全国大会, 第80回全国大会講演論文集, pp.49–50 / In Japanese, short (2P) report and Oral Presentation, student award
Poster Presentation, lecture, etc.
lecture of a tutorial (GPU course)
lecture of a tutorial (AM session)
Satoshi Ohshima, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Akihiro Ida, Rio Yokota: Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Matrix Computation on Various Modern Architectures, SIAM PP18, March 7-10 / poster presentation
lecture of a workshop